For some reason my husband loves to listen to the Pat Kenny radio show. Why? I don't know, because every time I listen to Pat Kenny, it ends with me yelling at the radio until finally I can't listen to his bullshit for another second, and I put the headphones of my ipod on, muttering, "I can't! I can't!"
Here's Pat in action. If this were on American television, he probably wouldn't have a job right now:
So maybe Mr. Kenny isn't as bad as Rush Limbaugh, but man, he incenses me! How can a person be such a prick? I wonder if he is on the payroll of the causes he seems to support, like Shell.
And that's all I'll say about that.

Pat Kenny, gigantic blowhard.
please note, i do not love pat kenny. its like listening to a completely scripted but still amateurish exercise in maintaining the ststus quo in every aspect of irish culture and politics possible