Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tonight we headed over to Trinity's Samuel Beckett Centre to catch a production of Beckett's "Krapp's Last Tape." It's a short play (only 60 minutes), and I was excited to see it performed live because I taught the play last year in my Intro to Literature class at Suffolk University and had only seen clips of it on Youtube. Overall, it was a good performance. Mark and I both agreed that it was a fine show, but something seemed to be missing that we couldn't put our finger on. Then we wondered if, knowing Beckett, that wasn't the way it's supposed to be.

I was really hungry, and at 9pm a lot of places are either closed or packed. So we went to Yamamori, but it was more than I really wanted or needed, and it was sadly over our paltry budget, so I ended up feeling grumpy and guilty by the end of dinner. The food was good, don't get me wrong, but all I really needed was a quick bite. Oh well, you live and learn.